Numbers Speak

Experience matters. Learning from experience matters even more.

Years of Experience

Our tools and transformative learning approach evolved from work in the field

Happy Clients

Private and public organizations, nonprofits, and cross-sector partnerships

Programs & Trainings

Our goal is to build your capacity to accelerate collaboration

Our Mission and History

Leapfrog Learning Lab is dedicated to strengthening our human capacity to accelerate collaboration worldwide. To meet this ambitious mission, we recognize that what people need most are tools and opportunities to learn and practice in a supportive environment.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has made clear, humans are highly interdependent and social – and collaboration is required to make our most significant contributions, from multiple vaccines in record time to re-envisioning the health and well-being of every citizen by closing our significant equity gap. We are learning to be more flexible, adaptable and innovative while questioning our current systems, envisioning possible futures, and growing strategies that build momentum.

Leapfrog Learning Lab is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2017. After decades of working with clients in the field as consultants at Leapfrog Consulting, we decided it was time to share our visual tools and approach with a wider range of people, especially cross-sector partnerships seeking to make a significant impact in communities and regions.

For our first four years, we developed the Accelerate Collaboration Kit, and led capacity-building workshops, primarily for foundation grantees in placed-based projects, addressing issues from food security to obesity to improving the well being of children in cities.

Beginning in 2021, during a time of racial reckoning and recommitment to social justice, we will continue our mission by providing access to vital collaboration tools, workshops, and coaching.

How We are Organized: Three Entities, One Vision

Leapfrog has three branches to fulfill a common mission. The Leap Boutique and Leapfrog Learning Lab are dedicated to building other people’s capacity to accelerate collaboration, while Leapfrog Consulting provides direct services to clients.

Since 2001, Leapfrog Consulting continues to provide direct consulting services to clients, from strategic planning to big-picture mapping to bringing together diverse stakeholders to address critical issues. We are renowned as experts in process design and visual facilitation and often serve as strategic partners with clients.

Leap Boutique is an online store launched in 2021 that showcases and shares the work of expert visual facilitators–enabling facilitators, consultants, and trainers to easily learn and use tried-and-true practices that accelerate collaboration. Shoppers can also “pay it forward” by making donations to our nonprofit.

Leapfrog Learning Lab is a nonprofit founded in late 2017 dedicated to strengthening our human capacity to accelerate collaboration worldwide. We bring Leap Boutique visual tools and professional development opportunities to a broad range of people in a widening community of changemakers.

Apply for Support

Our goal is to provide greater access to visual tools for collaborative meetings. For those seeking products and professional development at limited or no cost, please apply here. It should take 10-20 minutes to complete the form.

  • up to $200 for now; the amount you receive will be based on available crowdsourced donations
  • This includes templates, workshops, coaching. Please be specific.
  • (Please note: Over the years, we have found that people with greater privilege tend to ask for more than actually needed while those with limited access often find it difficult to directly ask for any support. Be mindful about where you fit in the continuum of resources and inequities.)
  • Who you are, and where are you on your own learning continuum as a visual facilitator (e.g., beginner, intermediate, advanced)? Share a bit of your story.
  • How can we improve this process and better reach our goal of greater access to visual collaborative tools? Who else do you recommend to receive a donation? (Provide name and contact information and why they are a good candidate)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Contact Us

We welcome your inquiries, suggestions, and insights.